An offering of the Well-being Champions Network, the Well-being First Responder (WFR) is developed in Singapore to equip everyone in the organisation with the critical knowledge, skills and attitudes aligned to the National Mental Health Competency Training Framework.
The Gold Standard Peer Support Programme
Developed in Singapore
Meets the National Mental Health Strategy Requirements
Progressive levels which equip you with critical knowledge, skills and attitudes to be the first-line of mental health and well-being defence in your organisation.
Not Just About Training
But also about a Community of Practice online and offline
We empower individuals and organisations to thrive by staying connected, inspired, and equipped to tackle real-world challenges.
Accreditation & Continual Learning
Ensuring that you are recognised and remain upskilled
Certification backed Workplace Safety & Health Council alongside year-round opportunities for growth through workshops and resources.
Who is the WFR course for?
▶️ WFR 1 is FREE for two employees from each UEN-registered organisation.◀️
*Each employee from your organisation needs to register individually.
If you organisation is registering 10 or more employees , please use this
Group Registration form instead and email it to: hello@wellbeingchampions.sg
What you will learn at each Level.
- WFR 1 - Psychological First Aid
- WFR 2 - Anxiety, Grief & Trauma
- WFR 3 - Suicide Prevention
- Mental health awareness
- Stress and self-care
- Crisis and Psychological First Aid
- Creating a supportive workplace
- Understand the importance of mental health and how to improve it. Plus why mental health awareness is key in workplace well-being.
- Understand stress management and how to use the practice of self-care as a strategy to build individual resilience.
- Understand what is a crisis and how to respond by applying Psychological First Aid.
- Understand challenges in the workplace and strategies to achieve work-life balance.
- Anxiety and its signs
- Grief and its causes
- Trauma and its effects
- Applying PFA for AGT
- Recapping the PFA action principles.
- Understand what is anxiety, anxiety disorders, and its signs.
- Understand grief, its causes and reactions.
- Understand trauma and its effects
- Learn how to apply PFA and other techniques, to support affected individuals in anxiety, grief or trauma.
- Recognise signs
- Listen with empathy
- Ask about suicide
- Connect to help
- Learners will be more aware of suicide risk factors; HELP signals and suicide ideations.
- Learners will use HELP signals to identify suicidal risks and respond appropriately.
- Learners can apply the LIFE Care Model to engage the person who may be suicidal.
- Learners will be equipped to link the person at risk to professional help and interventions.
- Learners will be empowered to be the first responder in suicide crisis and support the person to safety.
Register now!
- 4 Hours in-person
- Certificate of Accreditation (3 years)
- 2 SDU points for registered WSHOs
- Access to Community of Practice (12 months)
- Mental Health Awareness
- Stress and Self-care
- Crisis and Psychological First Aid
- Creating a Supportive Workplace
- Free for 2 employees per org until 31st Mar 2025 (Terms and conditions apply)
- 4 Hours in-person
- Certificate of Accreditation (3 years)
- 2 SDU points for registered WSHOs
- Access to Community of Practice (12 months)
- Anxiety and its signs
- Grief and its causes
- Trauma and its effects
- Applying PFA for Anxiety, Grief & Trauma
- 4 Hours in-person
- Certificate of Accreditation (3 years)
- 2 SDU points for registered WSHOs
- Access to Community of Practice (12 months)
- Recognise signs of suicide
- Listen with empathy
- Ask directly about suicidal intention
- Connect to help
Trained over 150 organisations including